
Thanks For Getting In Touch!!

Never have we felt so honoured! Never have we rejoiced quite so… this is bigger than Radiohead singing Creep at V Festival, bigger than Rage Against The Machine reforming for the Reading and Leeds weekends…..

On this page we’ll be showcasing some of your fantastic work and photos, be proud, you’ve earnt it… now go and have a bath will you!!

bath time

If you’ve got something to share then get in touch!

3 responses to “You

  1. Hi I’ve got some pictures I think you’d like I’ve sent them to your email address… hope they get published!

  2. great blog, i stop here to check up on sonisphere, download and the likes. thanks man.. 😀

  3. great blog when we’re back from v you can be sure we’ll be sending in photos – cheers

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