Festival Checklist

Whether you’re a festival virgin or a Glastonbury guru, it’s always helpful to check you’re taking the essentials. Wristband has compiled (by no means a definitive) list of all the things to make sure you have. Of course if we’ve missed something out then leave us a comment.


Yes, there’s always one at the gates who’s realised it’s at home on the table. Triple check you have it on route, and remember to keep it safe. Festival goers are targets for thieves and touts. Do not make the wear-abouts of your ticket public knowledge.


It’s a good idea to do a ‘test run’ before the festival to make sure the tent is waterproof and in good condition. If you don’t fancy spending what seems like hours mauling your tent and putting it up then check the official festival websites to see ready erected tents are available to hire.


A mummy bag provides an inbuilt pillow to save packing space, and when it gets warm you can sleep on top of them to keep comfy.

mirror_compact_torch_tu54_12TORCH OR GLOWSTICKS

Festivals in the dark can be very disorientating, especially if you’re new to the layout, or a little worse for wear. Pack wind up torches to save batteries, compact torches to save space, or glowsticks – it was what they were invented for!


Yes, it is occasionally sunny at festivals, so make sure you’re not caught short. Make sure you’ve packed a high factor, and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. A weekend with sunstroke is a wasted weekend, and a waste of money.



Trust us, you will never have seen rain like you will at festivals. It doesn’t rain, it buckets down, literally. To make sure you’re well prepared take a waterproof coat and comfy wellingtons – it’s likely you’ll be spending a lot of time in them.

mobile_phone1MOBILE PHONE

Don’t take your latest top of the range phone, it’s likely to get wet or stolen (and it probably will). A cheap mobile with a pay as you go sim will keep you connected and most festivals have charging tents to keep their battery going.


Camping for a weekend is bound to take a toll on your hygene. Wipes can provide an instant shower at festivals where you have to pay or queue for a long time for showers.


Binliners are a festival goers best friend. They can provide shelter from the rain, instant seats, a mat for your welly’s and.. err… a bag for your rubbish. Do not underestimate how much you’ll need these bad boys.

luxy-toiletries-bag-igkc63681TOILETRIES BAG

Fill with the essentials: toothbrush and toothpaste, body spray, hand sanitizer , dry shampoo, comb, fragrance wipes, tampons and anything else that you think you’ll need.



It’s a sure thing that when you manage to get to the front of the queue there won’t be any, so take your own to avoid getting caught short.

istockphoto_1371753_cigarettes_box_and_lighter_isolatedCIGARETTES AND LIGHTERS

If you’re a smoker it’s a good idea to stock up on these before you go. It’s likely that you’ll get through several lighters and arena prices for cigarettes can be a little more than steep.


If you’re planning on doing a little more than partying at festivals, make sure you take protection. Although some charities are on hand to provide advice and free contraception it’s wise to take your own.

money_belt_251MONEY BELT

The same amount of common sense applies at festivals as it does everywhere else. They might not look cool, but are easily concealed under clothes to keep your money and other valubles hidden.


  • Most festivals operate a ‘challenge 21’ policy, make sure you take ID
  • Padlocks scream out to thieves that there’s something worth stealing
  • A tidy tent makes it easier for thieves to locate your valuables
  • Disposible cameras are just as good as your expensive one
  • Festivals are not a good place to experiment with drugs
  • Spare pegs and gaffer tape are a festival goers best friend
  • Only pack as much beer as you can realistically carry
  • Don’t be afraid to make new friends
  • Don’t take what you don’t need
  • Remember to enjoy yourself.

4 responses to “Festival Checklist

  1. how about plastic bottles ‘cos you can’t take glass in the campsite can you

  2. Where was this site last year?? I could really have used the info. Thanks

  3. Well this website is very helpful as im going to the V festival this year and its my first time, so all this information is brilliant its a great heads up.

    Not most website have a checklist, so im glad i found this website.

    Thank you very much.

  4. Awesome post! Shame that the photo of the tent looks like a greeny brown poo!

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