Category Archives: Wristband Stuff

We’re Moving…

In case you’re wondering what the hell is happening at the moment – we’re busy moving.

Worry not – we’re going to be back bigger and better to bring you a more comprehensive experience – good or what?

In the mean time, if you’re trying to contact us, the domain switchover has killed our email, so please forward all queries here. Thanks.

Jerry Jackson at Scunthorpe music festival

So here at wristband4festivals we occasionally like a bit of a laugh, and in our quest to find some funny festival video’s, we came across this creation from David Firth. Commisioned for the BBC it’s a short animation following the escapades of Jerry Jackson and his friend Jon at the Scunthorpe music festival.



Festival Gadget Essentials

Getting ready, and packing up for your festival?

Be sure to stop by at wristband4festivals checklist, and here’s an amusing look from at this years essential festival gadgets.

wristband4festivals is changing

wow! wristband4festivals is getting very popular and it’s all down to you!

so popular, infact, we changed our name:, and for those of you who don’t like change, you can still reach us from


the move will hopefully drive more traffic to the blog, and enable us to make things a whole lot more interesting for you, but for the while we’re having to start again with google searches – so as always – spread the word!

as you were….

Get the wristband4festivals widget


wristband4festivals is proud to announce our brand new widget, which can be included in your Myspace, Facebook, WordPress, Blogger, Live Journal accounts and many more!

The widget can be customised with different colours and sizes, so head on over to this link to create your free account and get your embeded code.

Thanks for sharing!

Acoustic Festival of Britain 2009 – Review

Chris Difford

Saturday 23rd May 2009

As the sun beams down on Catton Hall Park, it seems the perfect day for a festival.

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wristband4festivals Guide to Festivaling on a Budget

festival hands

With the festival season looming you’re faced with a wealth of problems. All your favourite bands will be turning in to lend their hands to the wonderful world of touring, but you trot along to your local bank, enter your pin number, and what’s that on screen? Insufficient funds.

Looks like you’ll be missing that big weekend at your favourtie festival.

All your friends have already arranged their bus, and most of them have bought their tickets in advance, so how can you avoid having to miss out?

Luckily here at wristband4festivals we’ve thought about it long and hard and come up with an (almost) surefire way for you to enjoy that big weekend but without pockets full of cash.

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Wristband Newsletter Launches


Wristband is pleased to announce our monthly newsletter. Included will be the very best news, reviews and line ups with special videos, interviews, links and the ocassional competition. If you would like to get your hands on your very own newsletter then follow this link.

If at any time you change your mind and want to unsubscribe, simply email us here and write STOP in the subject box.

To view our privacy policy click here.

A-Z Festival Guide

A to Z Guide to summer music festivals including Glastonbury, Oxegen, Electric Picnic and Benicassim. Featuring Irish bands Humanzi, The Mighty Stef, The Kinetiks, Dark Room Notes, Dirty Epics, The Minutes, Ham Sandwich, The Chapters and Trev Radiator.

Guide to Music Festival Life asks young people about their festival experiences.

What are your best experiences? … Your worst? … The most memorable band? … The best festival? … and how on earth do you avoid the toilets??