Homecoming Festival Axed


That’s right boys and girls, Scotland’s very own Homecoming Festival has been axed due to new demands from the council requesting 50% of the profits and a £60,000 bond on the land.

The event which was due to see the likes of The Enemy, Reverend and The Makers and more, is currently looking to organise new venues and dates for some of the artists which were scheduled to perform from Saturday 2nd to Sunday 3rd May in Irvine Beach Park, Ayrshire, Scotland.

A spokesperson for the festival has said, “We’re really sorry not to have been able to bring you all the artists as planned but are in the process of arranging a couple of replacement events at smaller venues. We’ll post details soon and hopefully you can make it along to one of them.
Thanks for your support.

Everyone who purchased tickets through bookingconnect.com will automatically receive a full refund by Friday 1st May. All other ticket holders should contact their vendor for a full refund.

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